Financial Planning

Sadly, 9 out of 10 of the SMEs I talked to, have never had any financial planning laid out before hand. 10 out of 10 those who failed miserably do not have any financial plan at all. Plus, the majority wonder where their money went despite having good sales. This blog I want to share with you how you can draft your own financial plan for the success.


10/17/20232 min read

financial planning
financial planning

Financial Planning

Financial planning is a crucial aspect of managing a Malaysian SME's (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) finances effectively. It involves creating a comprehensive plan that outlines the financial goals, strategies, and actions required to achieve those goals. Here's how financial planning applies to Malaysian SMEs, along with examples for clarity:

1. Creating a Business Budget:

  • Developing a budget helps SMEs allocate funds for various business activities, including operations, marketing, and growth initiatives.

  • Example: A local restaurant in Malaysia creates a monthly budget that includes costs for ingredients, staff salaries, rent, utilities, and marketing efforts.

2. Managing Cash Flow:

  • Cash flow management ensures that SMEs have enough liquidity to cover their day-to-day expenses while also planning for growth.

  • Example: A digital marketing agency tracks its cash flow to ensure it has sufficient funds to cover upcoming client campaigns and employee salaries.

3. Tax Planning for Businesses:

  • Effective tax planning helps SMEs optimize their tax liabilities by taking advantage of available deductions, credits, and incentives.

  • Example: A retail store strategically times inventory purchases to reduce taxable income during peak sales periods.

4. Retirement Planning for Business Owners:

  • Entrepreneurs need to plan for their personal financial future, including retirement, by setting aside funds and investing wisely.

  • Example: The owner of a graphic design studio in Malaysia contributes to a retirement account and invests in a diversified portfolio.

5. Risk Assessment and Management:

  • Identifying potential financial risks and creating contingency plans helps SMEs navigate uncertainties without major disruptions.

  • Example: A technology startup assesses risks associated with market volatility and develops strategies to mitigate potential losses.

6. Investment Strategies for Businesses:

  • Malaysian SMEs can invest excess funds in instruments like fixed deposits, mutual funds, or government securities to earn returns on idle cash.

  • Example: A software development company invests its surplus cash in short-term government bonds to earn interest while retaining liquidity.

7. ROI Calculation and Analysis:

  • SMEs need to evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of various business initiatives to allocate resources effectively.

  • Example: A local manufacturing business calculates the ROI of upgrading its machinery to determine if the investment is financially justified.

8. Diversification of Business Investments:

  • Diversifying investments reduces risk by spreading resources across different assets or ventures.

  • Example: An e-commerce startup diversifies its investment by allocating funds to both inventory expansion and digital marketing campaigns.

9. Financial Projections and Forecasting:

  • Creating financial projections helps SMEs anticipate future financial performance and make informed decisions.

  • Example: A Malaysian software company uses financial projections to estimate revenue growth and plan for hiring additional developers.

10. Debt Management: - Effective debt management involves optimizing the use of debt for growth while avoiding excessive financial strain. - Example: A retail chain evaluates its existing loans, consolidates high-interest debts, and renegotiates terms to lower monthly payments.

By integrating these financial planning strategies into their operations, Malaysian SMEs can enhance their financial stability, make informed decisions, and achieve their long-term business objectives. Seeking guidance from financial advisors who understand the local business landscape can further assist SMEs in crafting effective financial plans tailored to their specific needs and goals.

I'd love to hop on a call to talk to you, if you need any help with your financial planning. Click the button below and it will direct you to my calendar. Choose the best time for you and I will call you, free.